The NYU CTF Bench is designed to evaluate cybersecurity capabilities of LLM agents. We provide difficult real-world CTF challenges to facilitate research in improving LLMs at interactive cybersecurity tasks and complex automated task planning. Evaluating LLM agents on the NYU CTF challenges yields insights into their potential for AI-driven cybersecurity to perform real-world threat management. Check out the paper for details.
@misc{shao2024nyuctf, title={NYU CTF Bench: A Scalable Open-Source Benchmark Dataset for Evaluating LLMs in Offensive Security}, author={Minghao Shao and Sofija Jancheska and Meet Udeshi and Brendan Dolan-Gavitt and Haoran Xi and Kimberly Milner and Boyuan Chen and Max Yin and Siddharth Garg and Prashanth Krishnamurthy and Farshad Khorrami and Ramesh Karri and Muhammad Shafique}, year={2024}, eprint={2406.05590}, archivePrefix={arXiv}, primaryClass={cs.CR}, url={}, }
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